Corporate name: K7Arabaplay
Commercial name: K7Arabaplay
Corporate address: C/Landaluzea nº 2 bajo, 01015 VITORIA-GASTEIZ. (ÁLAVA) SPAIN
CIF / NIF: B01553163
Telephone: +34 945 13 10 67
Fax: +34 945 23 21 84
Domain name:


k/Arabaplay, as responsible for this website, makes this document available to users in order to comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of Company Information Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE for its acronym in Spanish), as well as to let the users know the Web Site Terms of Use.

Any person that uses this website assumes the role of user, and undertakes to strictly observe the regulations herein set forth, as well as to any other applicable legal regulation.

k/Arabaplay reserves the right to modify any kind of information that may be published in the website without the duty to forewarn or to inform users regarding such obligations, with the publication in k/Arabaplay website to be sufficient.


k/Arabaplay is not liable for any responsibility derived from the information published in its website, provided that this information had been modified or introduced by a third party.

It is possible to be redirected to a third party website from the client's website. Since k/Arabaplay cannot always control the contents posted by third parties in its websites, it does not assume any kind of responsibility regarding such contents. In any case, k/Arabaplay will immediately remove any content that may contravene the national or intentional legislation, opposite to moral or public order, by immediately removing the URL redirection and informing the competent authorities about the content at issue.

k/Arabaplay is not liable for the information and contents stored in, included but not limited to, forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other media allowing third parties to publish content in independently in k/Arabaplay website. Notwithstanding the forgoing and in compliance with Article 11 and 16 of LSSI-CE, k/Arabaplay is available to any user, authority or security forces and actively collaborates with them by removing or, if applicable, blocking, all those content that may affect or contravene the national or international legislation, third parties’ rights or opposite to the moral or public order. Please immediately notify the website administrator if the user considers the website contains any material that may be included in any of these categories.

This website has been reviewed and tested to work correctly. Its correct operation can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Nevertheless, k/Arabaplay does not rule out the possibility of certain programming errors or natural catastrophes, strikes, force majeure circumstances or any similar situation that may make accessing the site impossible.


k/Arabaplay is fully committed to comply with the Spanish regulations on personal data protection and guaranties the full compliance with the regulations and the implementation of security measures as set forth in Article 9 of Law 15/1999 regarding Data Protection.

k/Arabaplay website may use cookies (small data files sent by the server to the computer of whom is accessing the site) in order to carry out key functions for the correct operation and visualization of the website:
1. Cookies used in the website may be temporal with the sole purpose of making the subsequent transmission more efficient, and they disappear when the user ends the session.
2. Data may be stored in our database in order to send information requested by the registered visitor and never without the user's previous authorization. These data are of exclusive internal use and under no circumstance they are transferred to third parties, and they are never used to send information non-requested by the user. At any moment the user can voluntary cancel its registration, being the latter immediately removed from our systems.


The website, including but not limited to, its editing and other editorial contents necessary for its operation, design, logos, text and/or graphic elements are property of k/Arabaplay, except for the stock images and photographs, of which Depositphotos USA, Inc. y HAAP Media Ltd., among others, are the owners of the legal rights transferred to k/Arabaplay. When applicable, it has the licence or express authorization by the authors. All website contents are duly protected by the industrial and intellectual property regulations, as well as registered in the corresponding public registers.

Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the partial or total reproduction, use, distribution and commercialization requires a previous written authorization from k/Arabaplay. Any use without previous authorization from k/Arabaplay shall be considered as a serious breach of the industrial and intellectual property rights in force.

Designs, logos, text and/or graphical elements not owned by k/Arabaplay that may appear in the website are the property of their respective owners, being them responsible for any possible controversy that may arise regarding them. In any case, k/Arabaplay has express and prior authorization from them.

k/Arabaplay expressly authorizes third parties to redirect to specific website contents.

k/Arabaplay recognizes the corresponding industrial and intellectual ownership rights of their owners, not being their sole mentioning or appearing on the website understood as a right or responsibility from k/Arabaplay over them, nor an endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation thereof.

If you have any comment regarding any possible breach of industrial or intellectual property rights, as well as regarding any website content, please send an e-mail to:


The parties expressly submit to the Spanish jurisdiction, being the Courts of Vitoria-Gasteiz competent to resolve any controversy or issue derived or related to the use of this website or the activities carried out within it.